Early Bird Membership Campaign Begins / Stand by for increased hours

Starting on September 1st,  you can renew your Legion membership for 2023 for just $50.  Branch 154 has traditionally had a high rate of Early Bird renewals so lets keep that going.

  • Drop into the branch and pay by cash, cheque or debit and pick up your renewal sticker; or
  • Go to Legion.ca to renew online and then pick up your renewal sticker at your convenience.

Some members still have new membership cards waiting to be picked up at the branch.

We are currently only open on Fridays from 2:00 till 9:00 but we have been lucky to have been able to hire new staff who are going through training and we hope to change our hours soon to Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, from 2:00 till 7:00 (later by arrangement).


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