Caledonia Legion Branch 154 will be holding elections for the Branch Executive on Wednesday, 4 May 2022 at 7:00 PM. Note that because of the COVID pandemic, the last Branch elections were in May of 2019.
In order to vote you must be a paid-up member of Branch 154 – if your card does not say 2022, you cannot vote. If you need to renew your membership, please do it ahead of time. The bar will close half an hour prior to the meeting and lounge will be closed during the meeting.
If you would like to be considered for a position on the Executive, please let us know at the branch no later than 2 May. Nominees must have been paid-up members of Branch 154 for a year and nominees for the office of President must have served on the Executive Committee for a year. Nominations may also be made from the floor on election night, Wednesday, 4 May at 19:00.
- · President
- · 1st Vice President
- · 2nd Vice President
- · Executive Committee members (6)
- · Sergeant-at-arms
- · Branch Service Officer
- · Chaplain (not Executive Committee)
Officers and members of the Executive Committee commit to:
- taking an active role in the business and activities of the Branch and serving as Chair of one or more of the standing committees;
- attending General Meetings – third Wednesday of June, September, November, January & March and the first Wednesday of May;
- attending Executive Committee meetings – second Saturday of every month at 10:00.
Standing Committees (not an exhaustive list)
- · BAR: hires and supervises bar staff, sets bar policies, monitors sales and recommends changes to prices
- · BUILDINGS & GROUNDS: regular maintenance of building & grounds as well as planning capital improvements
- · WAYS & MEANS / ENTERTAINMENT & EVENTS: planning entertainment, events, meals, etc., for the benefit of the members and the financial well-being of the Branch.
- · LOTTERY: deals with licences & submits reports, supervises Nevada, Pot-of-gold, Ham & Turkey, etc., maintains Lottery Trust fund, deals with charitable donations and maintenance payments to the Branch
- · MEMBERSHIP: establishes recruiting methods, processes new applicants and arranges welcome ceremonies, processes membership renewals
- · POPPY: conducts the Poppy Campaign; administers the Poppy Trust Fund; maintains records and makes reports
- · PUBLIC RELATIONS: publicizes the activities of the Branch through all available media to enhance the image of the Branch and the Legion
- · RENTALS: controls periodic rentals and liaises with long term tenants
- · SPORTS: organizes internal sports activities for members – such as darts, cards, snooker, etc. and arranges participation in Legion tournaments.
- · BRANCH SERVICE OFFICER / VETERANS & LEGION SENIORS: provides assistance to all Veterans not only Legion Members and their dependents. organizes activities to benefit seniors in the Branch and surrounding area
- · YOUTH EDUCATION: organizes and promotes the Legion’s literary, poster and public speaking contests with local schools and youth community.